NSHMBA 2010: Swag, the good, the bad, and what the heck?

October 25, 2010

I made it back from the 2010 NSHMBA conference. Great conference, excellent networking and some really interesting TchotchkesSwag. So in keeping with the tradition of Swag review, here’s one of my first video blogs and it’s an homage to my contemporaries who are the Michelangelo of the swag review. The first 16 seconds of audio […]

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RecruitFest! 2010: A Track Leaders Personal Recap

October 11, 2010

So after outlining, writing and trashing three versions of this post, I decided to say to hell with it and just write. The earlier versions of this post all referenced what was written by Bill, Glenn, Leanne and China, but it was sterile. So here’s my review, straight from my heart. I’m honored to be […]

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RecruitFest! 2010

September 26, 2010

So in 10 short days I’ll be on a plane to Boston to participate in RecruitFest! 2010 and yes, I’m really excited about the opportunity to attend and share some views with the participants. I’ve been diligently reading and making notes in an effort to sound semi-literate and prepared for our conversation. Now I know […]

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Pre-Career Fair Apathy?

September 19, 2010

I was recently discussing the current state of the economy and jobs with a client. They have a great operation here in South Florida where as a company; they offer multiple careers paths in some really cool areas. Marketing, finance, sales, distribution, six sigma etc., all stuff that when I look at the company from […]

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Mentors, Formal vs. Informal

September 13, 2010

I was having a really bad year. I had transitioned to a new role. My wife was also looking for a new job and we had a toddler. We were trying to save for a house, living with my in-laws and just really struggling. (Insert witty quote about best of times/worst of times and inferno […]

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