
January 6, 2011

Roma locuta est, causa finita est. The next time I get the bright idea to quote St.Augustine, someone tell me to keep my big mouth shut.

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It’s Always Sunny on…Facebook?

Thumbnail image for It’s Always Sunny on…Facebook? January 4, 2011

I was having a conversation with one of my colleagues and they had shared with me a concern about posting pictures on Facebook. I in turn mentioned to them a comment that an old friend had made about some photos of me and it got us both thinking. While I don’t truly live a “frat […]

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Goodbye 2010

December 23, 2010

I won’t say this year sucked because it didn’t. It started on a low note and ended on a high one. I witnessed births, weddings and funerals. I said goodbye to friends for the last time, lost touch with some old friends, kept in touch with others, made new ones along the way, and learned […]

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Good Morning!

December 2, 2010

Something really got under my skin today. No, it wasn’t starting my day a bit cranky, or tired (which has been and will be the case for the next few years) or even my inability to prep the coffee machine the night before. What bugged me, albeit very nicely, was how my daughter and her […]

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Thanksgiving 2010

November 25, 2010

Around this time last year I wrote a blog post detailing my list of thanks for the holiday. I named names, got all sentimental and basically felt good. Traditions can be fun, so why ruin a good thing? Here’s my 2010 list: There were several people who I met this year for the very first […]

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