So you’re going to HREvolution 3? Read this… really.

April 18, 2011

I’m one of the original 50. (I’m also quick to say “Big Deal” so don’t worry) My path to HREvolution was truly an accident but in retrospect, it was a watershed moment in my career. So with less than two weeks to the event, I thought it would be pretty cool to ruminate on what […]

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Fifty-Thousand Jobs? So What.

April 5, 2011

By now, you’ve probably already read about how McDonald’s is going to attempt to hire 50K workers in one day. In fact, our local NBC here. While I didn’t primarily recruit for crew member positions, I did have the opportunity to work on a recruitment project for a series of restaurants corporate had acquired from […]

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Springtime and Interns

March 28, 2011

To paraphrase Tennyson “In the Spring, a company’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of internships.” (My apologies to the Tennyson purists out there) Well, it’s the spring, and I’ve started to receive more emails and phone calls about how my clients can start to line up the students for the summer internships. But here’s the […]

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Hello to the Ohio Peeps!

March 25, 2011

Wow, who woulda thunk it? I just want to completely pander to all the people from Ohio who took up

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March Madness

March 21, 2011

The past couple of weeks have been a mad flurry of activity here in South Florida and unfortunately I’ve been extremely lax on the writing front. Needless to say that after hearing a colleague comment to me “Y’know John, the best blogs are ones that are updated often”, I decided to get my butt in […]

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