Keeping the Faith

May 24, 2011

This thought has been bugging me since the end of April. Initially, I wanted to blame

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Trust No One…

May 16, 2011

I recently had a conversation with someone that closed with a bit of advice that I wasn’t expecting. The advice was three simple words that messed with me for the rest of week. Trust No One. Now this was the second time someone had shared this bit of advice with me. It immediately brought me […]

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May 6, 2011

There is something energizing about the beginning of the semester on campus that I’ve always loved, new friends, classes, professors and in some cases parties. I’ve also loved graduation and while some view it as an end, it truly should be classified as a beginning. I love the pomp and circumstance of the ceremony, the […]

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I am a Revolutionary, an HRevolutionary!

May 4, 2011

I am a Revolutionary. I share what I know and what I’ve learned with others. I care about my profession and the people whose lives I impact directly and indirectly. I read, I write, I debate, and try to challenge conventional wisdom and thinking. I try to bring the best out in myself and others. […]

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Back from the Revolution

May 2, 2011

I’m back from Atlanta. And yes HREvolution 3 lived up to my expectations. In fact they were exceeded which is not an easy thing to do. It was awesome, met some great people, and strengthened some existing relationships. I’ll have lots to write about soon, right now I’m all in the mustard… Time to Ketchup.

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