
July 13, 2011

“Your wife she’s Nicaraguaensa no?” asked the lady that works at the coffee stand by my office. “Yes” I replied somewhat nervously, wondering where this conversation was going. As it later turned out, I was worried for no reason. “I’m from Nicaragua” she said, standing a bit taller and squaring her shoulders. She asked me […]

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Lest we forget…Enterprise!

July 8, 2011

Note: This post was scheduled for today’s launch, however it may not happen due to the weather. I say screw it, I’m posting this bad boy anyway! “JP come over here, you’re going to miss this and it’s something very important” exclaimed my father as he stood watching the television. “What, what’s going on dad?” […]

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Happy Independence Day

July 3, 2011

For some odd reason I started to reflect on what today means to me. Now before you leave, this is not some rah rah patriotic post about how great ‘Merica is around the globe. For me today is about taking risks. Short term, long term, unforeseen, however the hell you want to classify those pesky […]

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Back from #SHRM11….barely

July 1, 2011

I’m back from Vegas. I saw a whole lotta wrong, heard a whole lotta good things, and am finally back in the humid weather. I’ve got some great content but right now I’ve got two three girls who need some of my undivided attention, new copies of The Economist & Fortune to get through, and […]

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Misunderestimated Phone Calls

June 23, 2011

The past few days have been a whirlwind of activity at home and at work. Projects, meetings, reading assignments (don’t ask) and politics have all been happening at warp speed. Even through all this crazy, I was able to receive a few phone calls that made me smile and managed to make a few calls […]

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