Social Media Club -South Florida August Event

August 9, 2011

Tonight, I’ll be heading over to Nova Southeastern University to attend the Social Media Club of South Florida’s monthly event. I love attending these events for a couple of reasons. One, it’s always great to network with some really talented and gifted local people. And two, I still think about that damn quixotic idea that […]

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Influence & Irony

August 8, 2011

For the past two weeks I’ve been a bit busy, wrapped up with some projects at work and quietly reading the blogs in my reader. It seems the recurring theme of influence has been quietly weaving its way through some of the posts. Who is an influence, how to influence, what does it truly mean […]

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The “Laws of Power” & Happy Hour

July 27, 2011

One of my favorite books is “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene & Joost Elffers. Not because it’s a how-to manual, but because it condenses some pretty heady material into a neat package that will get you thinking. The “Laws” are first explained with some historical perspectives then either examples of transgressions or […]

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Summer’s almost over….almost…

July 26, 2011

Summer will be ending soon and then the fall calendar will be fast & furious. I’ve got a post brewing about a conversation I had about power, how we use it and how Sun Tzu and Machiavelli are a pain in the ass to read. However, I’m not sure if I’m ready to out some […]

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Blood, Family, & Business

July 20, 2011

I went digging through the trusty moleskine to find some inspiration and ran across this observation: “Blood, Family & Business globally are they really that different?” I wrote that observation after chatting with a senior HR executive in Panama after she told me a story that rivals some current “novellas” on television. She shared with […]

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