A hard pause

March 26, 2012

It’s tough being a Floridian these days. Sure we were known in the past for making some pretty horrible mistakes, for example screwing up a presidential election. But recently we’ve outdone ourselves by pissing on the rights of our fellow citizens in order to build into the swamp, and giving a billionaire a baseball stadium. […]

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Where’s HR? Probably changing their shirts…

March 19, 2012

Here’s one for the “Where was HR?” files: “At law firm, orange will land you in the unemployment line” – The Miami Herald This is embarrassing for the firm, the employees, and the HR profession (or in this case the lack thereof). Happy Monday! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to change.

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Clarity? We don’t need no stinking Clarity…

March 15, 2012

It’s been a very busy time of year, hence the length of time between posts. Things are good, goals are close to being met and we’re collecting data. Lots of fun stuff. There was one recurring theme that when I do have a chance to catch my breath, I find myself thinking about it more […]

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Listen, Laugh, & Love

February 19, 2012

The Army honor guards silently strode down the main aisle of the church, saluted, and unfurled the American flag. From the rear of the church, the bugler started to play taps and I stood up a little straighter and tried to avoid shifting nervously. This is how I started my Saturday afternoon, the calm and […]

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Bridgebuilding is a b!#ch

February 15, 2012

Had an interesting conversation yesterday about a problem that I was spinning into a bigger deal than I should have. Fortunately for me, the friend I had called for some advice and counsel started to share something that was pretty inspiring. It was just a simple statement about how they can see a pretty bridge […]

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