Trying to finish strong…

May 6, 2012

April has always been a crazy month for me personally & professionally for as long as I can remember. Hence the reason why I’ve been a bit busy and not able to post as often. We finished this semester possibly exceeding our office goals (largely in part to the new colleagues who joined our team) […]

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If only it were that simple

April 12, 2012

My week started with the typical crazy that is indicative of our busy lives. School lunches had to be made, diapers changed, homework reviewed, bits and pieces of laundry put away or washed. It was sizing up to be an average week here at home. But then I was hit with something that I was […]

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Advice and Spouses

April 11, 2012

How many times have we had to give advice? Well if you’re in the HR profession, I’d gather that it is several times a day. Now what if you’ve got to give HR advice to your spouse? Yeah, that some difficult stuff. Sometimes the best advice you can give is to just shut up, listen, […]

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Hope, Change, and HRCI Testing?

April 9, 2012

Whew. Things have been very busy here in South Florida. Just to recap, I managed to make up some ground this semester, hired a coordinator (who was a huge help in making up the ground), dealing with my sometimes challenging family, trying to keep in touch with friends and other peeps, and have been generally […]

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A Priest, Communist, and Terrorist walk into a bar

March 26, 2012

The family stopped for a few minutes this evening during dinner to watch Pope Benedict XVI in Cuba live on television. I couldn’t help think as I watched His Holiness saying mass and the network cutting to shots of Raul Castro on just how both have missed opportunities. One to pressure an end to a […]

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