Losing my voice

June 22, 2012

I can’t stand watching the media coverage of the Sandusky trial. The jury verdict watch, the daily recap in the courtroom, the victim testimony. It’s becoming a bit much. As a parent, I don’t know how I’d react and deal with this issue if something like this happened to my girls. There was one victim […]

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Impress Me

June 19, 2012

I’m not that easily impressed. Being from Miami, you tend to get desensitized to what others might view as some pretty impressive things. The weather, the ocean, pretty people, amazing restaurants, fancy cars, big houses, awesome professional NBA team, face eating drug induced zombie attacks… you get the picture. It’s all part of the normal […]

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Knowing is half the battle

June 4, 2012

A few months ago I was part of an interview panel that was charged with finding the next candidate to fill a newly created leadership position. I initially thought that this would be easy as I was a former corporate recruiter who still had “chops”. I felt that I could easily be part of the […]

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Riddles, Enigmas, and Mysteries

May 28, 2012

For the many (or in some cases not so many) readers of the blog, you may have been wondering what has been happening to me over the past weeks. In short, I’ve been traveling (New York and San Francisco) for work and behind in several areas, most notably my reading, writing and my laundry. Far […]

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Accidentally Innovative

May 16, 2012

It all started with a lie. No, I wasn’t the one telling the lie. Instead it was a line manager who sat two rows over from me who, as I learned later, was insanely jealous of everyone. In retrospect all the warning signs were there we all chose to ignore them (funny how that happens […]

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