Daddy Job Descriptions

March 3, 2013

Fatherhood is a part of my job description that at times plays a very prominent role in my day to day work or sometimes falls into the “other duties as assigned category”. Nothing really prepares you for some of the curve balls that a child can toss at you in the innocent form of a […]

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We interrupt this blog post….

February 1, 2013

Did you hear that? That my friends was the final bell that rings when one is in the home stretch of a long race/journey. Time to remember my pacing, my skills, and keep my gut in check. More deets soon and possibly some disclosure, I promise. -JP

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What I taught/what I learned this week.

January 25, 2013

It’s has been another busy week here in Miami. The weather has been really mild, which usually pisses off people up north who are digging out the snow or bracing for the upcoming freezing temps. That will change soon enough here in Florida and we’ll start to complain about humidity, tourists, mosquitoes, or a combination […]

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Honoring An Influencer: Paul Hebert

January 23, 2013

Around this time last year, we honored Tim Sackett as in influencer in the HR Blogosphere. Well, the tradition has lived on and his year’s “Tim Sackett Day” honoree is none other than Mr. Paul Hebert. Paul, like Tim, is many things, an influence, a prolific blogger, and an expert in Pavlovian/Skinner based psychology to […]

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New Series: What I Taught/What I Learned

January 11, 2013

Since the inception of this blog, I was always toying with the idea of having a weekly serial type post. I’ve seen my peers do great jobs with this, and others rip off the idea with mixed results. I’ve decided to finally commit to a weekly series that will a bit rough in the beginning, […]

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