Here’s to the New Year!

by John on December 30, 2012

Well it’s that time again. Time to stop thinking about the past and gear up for the new year.

2012 was truly a year where I learned, loved, lost, laughed, regretted, met new peeps, lost old friends, gained new ones, cried, suffered, shared in joy, and shook my head in amazement and disbelief.

2013? Well I have a strong feeling that it will bring a bit of transition for a few of us, but nothing that’s isn’t manageable (at least from the non pharmaceutical perspective).

For those that have put up with me at my best and my worst, thank you and I mean this with all sincerity, I love you.

For those that I was able to help, thank you for having faith in me and my abilities.

To those that I hurt, or wronged, I am truly sorry.

Thank you for your continued support, readership, and love!

I wish you all nothing but the best this new year and may whatever deity you choose to believe in shower you with only blessings in 2013!

All my best,


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KD January 2, 2013 at 8:53 am

John –

I have a feeling 2013 is going to be a great one for you. Here’s to you and yours and a great start to what’s going to be a big year…


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