Adieu 2018

by John on December 31, 2018

I have been away for a long time and it has been on purpose.

While 2018 started out relatively calm, the only way for me to categorize the back half of the year is simply “Annus Horribilis” (which for those keeping score is Latin for “shitty year”).

Now don’t get me wrong, there were several bright spots. For instance, at work, several of our students got excellent jobs with amazing firms, we beat most of our goals and hit record numbers. We laid the groundwork for a revolutionary new concept that is poised to be a game changer in the local marketplace.

What made this year tough was the loss of a beloved family member and news about my father that absolutely gutted me. Nothing has tested me more as a husband, father, and son. I’m still working through the grief. It’s not easy, but I’m slowly on the mend.

One thing that I am incredibly grateful for was the overwhelming outpouring of love and support from my friends. Your kind words comforted our family. You listened to us cry, and you cried along with us when there were no more words.

You stood by us at our absolute darkest and we are truly indebted to you all. Please know that we truly love you all.

I’m not going to make any predictions or resolutions for 2019. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I don’t have the strength or energy to prognosticate. The best way to sum up how I feel about going into 2019 is to quote Robert Frost:

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”


#jesuisCharlie #nousommesCharlie #defendDACA

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